Sales Dept. Contact

The phone:86-18250813595

Office:Unit 1001,No.1 of Cheng Yi North Street, Software Park Phase III ,Xiamen ,China

Service Dept. Contact

Service hotline : 0086-592-2620159
Service network : 0086-592-2620128

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Xiamen AOSIF Engineering Ltd
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We pay great attention to quality, not only for our products, but also for the needs of our customers. We sincerely welcome and look forward to hearing your questions and Suggestions. To ensure the fastest feedback, please select the appropriate form below to submit your customer care topic, we look forward to your feedback。

address:Unit 1001,No.1 of Cheng Yi North Street,Software Park Phase III ,Xiamen ,China 

The site of factory:No.1088, Tangbian Industrial Park, Xingtai Industrial Park, Changtai Economic Development Zone, Fujian
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